Monday, April 13, 2015

Nam Man Prai Thong 7 batch by Pra Archan Amnard Mahaveero

Nam Man Prai Thong 7  batch by Pra Archan Amnard Mahaveero

  • for super strong attactive opposite sex , charming , metta , good trade

  • ingredient made by  :  real lookkok power total 9 bodys , wan payah kaideng (for wealth , incrase luck and metta that import from Myanmar) , payoon tear  (is for super super charming had boil on fullmoon night and blees this tear for 3 month on pan sa peroid  ) + mix with  Jan hom oil , mix with Combodia subject  


    the special 4 ways to use!!!

    1. apply one face , chin , eyes brow of the user for increase charming  , ppl be love and metta  , see face the user like under the magic

    2. apply on face or forehead of the kumanthongs that the user keep for wake up and increase power into the KMT ....Special!!!

    3. apply to people , lover , they will like under the magic of the user

    4. make  a wish anything coz inside with 9 spirits belong of 9 lookkok spirits


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